Designcafe Vocabulary = デザインカフェの語彙集
Designcafe™ では、取り組む全てのデザインに対してこだわっている部分を言葉で共有しています。スタジオ内でのビジョンの共有はもちろん、デザイン・シンキングや協働している社外ブレーンとのクリエイティブワークでも、意思疎通上、大変重要な意味を持つからです。Designcafe Vocabulary = デザインカフェの語彙(ごい)集ともいうべき、15のデザイン・キーワードをご紹介します。
At Designcafe™, we use words to share our commitment to every design we work on. The Designcafe Vocabulary is a collection of 15 design words that we use to help us communicate our vision within the studio, as well as in our creative work with external brains. Keywords.
01: Ambiguity(両義性)
That a matter has two opposing meanings. That the two opposing interpretations of the matter must hold together. It is important to accept the undivided and ambiguous state of affairs.
02: Ambivalent(両面性)
To have conflicting feelings or show conflicting attitudes toward an object at the same time. Sometimes translated as “ambivalence” or “two-sided value,” but it’s commonly rendered as “ambivalence. A love-hate relationship.
03: Insight(洞察・識見)
物事を観察して、その本質や、奥底にあるものを見抜くこと。見通すこと。 デザインする上で”計算する”という言葉が嫌いです。人間の行動は数値化(=計算)できない、曖昧な部分があり、それは感情に支配されているから。受け取る側の気持ちや感情を洞察する事、”感じる”ことをないがしろにしない事こそデザインの根幹だと思うのです。
To observe things and see into their essence and what lies deep within. To see through. I don’t like the word “calculation” in design. Human behavior is ambiguous and cannot be quantified (=calculated) because it is controlled by emotions. I think that insight into the feelings and emotions of the receiver and not neglecting the “feeling” is the basis of design.
04: Synesthesia(共感覚)
シナスタジアは、ある刺激に対して通常の感覚だけでなく異なる種類の感覚をも生じさせる一部の人にみられる特殊な知覚現象のこと。 例えば、共感覚を持つ人には文字に色を感じたり、音に色を感じたり、形に味を感じたりします。女性の高い声を「黄色い声」などと言うように。空間デザインでは、例えば真四角な白いボリュームの角が滑らかにラウンドしていると角が溶けた飴のように感じて「甘そう」に思える事などです。デザインの比喩として、知覚が呼び起こす手法を活用するのはボリュームを必要とするデザインでは重要な手段の一つです。
Synastasia is a special perceptual phenomenon found in some people that can produce different kinds of sensations as well as normal sensations for certain stimuli. For example, people with synesthesia can perceive colors in letters, sounds, and tastes in shapes. Like saying a woman’s high-pitched voice is a “yellow voice,” for example. In spatial design, for example, the fact that the corners of a square white volume seem “sweet” when the corners feel like melted candy when they are smoothly rounded. As a design metaphor, utilizing methods that perception evokes is an important tool in design that requires volume.
05: Tacit knowledge(暗黙知・共有知)
Tacit knowledge is a concept that indicates that if there is such a thing as knowledge, there is always a tacit dimension of “knowing” behind it. In this sense, it might be better translated as “tacit knowing”. It is very important to share this knowledge as a new form of knowledge in design that crosses art, science and geisha, such as direct perception, physical knowledge, acquired knowledge and technical knowledge that cannot be made explicit in language (non-verbalized).
06: Affordance(アフォーダンス)
The “meaning” that the environment gives to an animal. In familiar matters, for example, a door with a flat piece of metal without a doorknob indicates that you can push the metal piece, or a chest of drawers with a pull indicates that you can pull it. These are based on the sensory knowledge that people (animals) have and can be handled without explanation. This way of looking at affordances is extremely important in designing environments and tools that naturally invite our actions.
07: Abduction(アブダクション)
Hypothesis formation as a method of thinking and reasoning. It is the most essential major concept in design, where the main role is to conceptualize a problem from hypothesis formation, and then raise a series of issues from representation and visualization to pre-design and production.
08: Unique(独自性)
An unparalleled look. A sense of uniqueness. Uniqueness not only establishes the character of the design, but also makes the idea stand out.
09: Visualization(可視化)
Design is an activity, style or methodology that makes invisible things visible. Since design is also a means of communication, we believe that design plays an important role in visualizing the “invisible minds” of individuals and companies.
10: Interactivity(双方向性)
The way they interact with each other. The activity of design is a kind of “dialogue”, a “conversation in a graphic language”. Does it have a message and can it be communicated without explanation? I always ask the question in designing.
11: Notation(表記法)
Notation (by special characters, signs, etc.). Human cognition, thought, expression and communication are limited by the scope and ability of one’s own language. In order to extend it, a new graphic language with more visual and spatial evocative power is needed. Pictograms, logos and other VIs, as well as standard symbols for architectural drawings, will improve the accessibility of information by considering and utilizing notation.
12: Sublation(止揚)
A concept proposed by the German philosopher Hegel in his Dialectic. When the old is rejected and the new emerges, the old is not entirely discarded, but the positive elements of the old’s content are retained as a new and higher stage. This is similar to learning from the past. To “negate” the old while “preserving” the good parts to “elevate” it to a new level.
13: Sequence(連続性)
連続性や順序性のこと。デザインでは、「移動することで変化する景色」、「徐々に変わっていくデザイン」のことを指します。 動的、静的を問わずに空間(線、面)や光などが秩序を持って可変していくことです。デザインのテクニックの一つとして多用します。
Continuity or sequence. In design, it refers to a landscape that changes as it moves, a design that changes gradually. It is the orderly and variable nature of space (lines, surfaces) and light, whether dynamic or static. It is often used as one of the techniques of design.
14: Ephemeral(刹那的)
The state of trying to live a full life in the present moment, without thinking about the future. Indulge in temporary pleasures. The state of devoting oneself to what one can do now. In our design work, this includes “exhibition booth design” and “temporary construction”. Even if it’s only for three days, you have to do everything you can to create a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Put everything you can into what you can do now and give it your all without excuses.
15: Humor Approach(ユーモア アプローチ)
A method of expression. The use of humor to release the consumer’s guard and make them feel more familiar and like the product. Humor can sway not only the receiver, but also those of us who propose designs. It’s also important as a means of communication.