Executive Director / Designers

HOTERES 2022 @ Designcafe Booth / Photograph: Yoshiyuki OBUCHI


環境デザイナー / デザインストラテジスト / 代表取締役
Design Strategist / Environmental Designer / Designcafe-Inc. Company Founder / Officer 
有限責任事業組合エクストラドレイ デザインディレクター
EXTRADREI-LLP. Design Director
IT strategist (ST), Second-class architects, Real Estate Transaction Specialist
Commercial space designer (JTOC)
Japan Design Space Association Member

Food Besiness Consultant Association of Japan Board Member

Displays / 岩崎九二弥氏に師事。企画コンサルティング会社を経て、2001年に独立。フリーランスとして大型BIプロジェクトのデザイナーを経験した後、2004年東京・日本橋にて平澤太デザイン計画機構を設立(創業)。2009年、領域の垣根を超えた環境デザインスタジオとして株式会社デザインカフェを設立。専門は、商環境デザインやショールームなどのコミュニティプレイスの環境デザインと空間ブランディング。変化するコミュニケーションの形態とアクティヴィティの関係性に着目しながら、体感から得られる印象と効果=インタラクションを重視したデザインを展開している。また、ITストラテジスト(ST)としての側面も持ち、環境デザインとデジタルストラテジーを包括的に携えながら、SDGsやSociety5.0など社会が抱える課題に対してのアプローチと連携したブランディングデザイン、ソーシャルグッド、エシカルマインドに呼応したデザイン開発も手がけている。

グッドデザイン賞、アジアデザインアワード、日本空間デザイン賞、DSAデザインアワード、JCDデザインアワード、SDA賞、CSデザイン賞など受賞歴多数。DSA空間デザイン賞 一次審査員(2018年)、2019年に新たに新設された日本空間デザイン賞 一次審査員(2019〜2021年)、日本空間デザイン賞推進委員(2020〜2022年)、一般社団法人日本フードビジネスコンサルタント協会理事(2017年〜)を歴任。趣味は、旅、写真、ドライブ、音楽、ジム、食事とお酒を愉しむ事。Fontコレクター。Xシューター。特技はバドミントン競技。2004年から綴っているブログ”Designcafe-Blog”Japan Blog Award 2008 ノミネート&ファイナリスト。また、2010年に開催された「 ”人・建築・都市を記憶する – レンズ付きフィルムによる写真展 ” 100人の上野 “」ではギャラリーエークワッド賞を受賞。

After working for a planning and design firm of commercial establishments, his started his own firm in 2000. In 2004, he established the HIRASAWA FUTOSHI DESIGN in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, following a role as an external planner for developers and an external design director for large-scale projects. In 2009, Designcafe Inc. was founded as a design firm in the environmental field. His specialties include commercial environmental design and environmental design of community places, such as showrooms. Through focusing on the relationship between changing communication styles and activities, he values impressions and effects (i.e. interactions) that are obtained through experiences. One of his unique skills is that he is also an IT strategist, and handles design and digital communication comprehensively, as well as branding design in conjunction with approaches to social issues such as the SDGs and Society 5.0, and also social good, ethical design and design development in response to ethical mindsets. He is also involved in design development in response to social good and ethical mindset.

Numerous awards, including the Good Design Award, Asia Design Award, KUKAN Design Award, DSA Design Award, JCD Design Award, SDA Award and CS Design Award. His hobbies are music (DTM), photography, travel, and driving. He enjoys fashion. He is a talented badminton player. He has written a blog, “Designcafe-Blog”, since 2004, and it was nominated and selected as a finalist for the Japan Blog Award 2008.

佐久間理恵  /  SAKUMA RIE

空間デザイナー / インテリアコーディネーター / maroom by Designcafe 主宰
Designer / Interior Coordinator / Environmental Designer / maroom by Designcafe Organizer
Interior coordinator (NIF)
1st Class Colour coordinator 

大学の農学部卒業後、大手流通会社に就職。その後、インテリア関連の道を進むべくインテリア建築関連の専門学校を経て、Designcafeに入社。主にマンションディベロッパーのモデルルーム、住空間のデザイン、住建材系の展示会デザインなどの住環境関連、物販店舗などのストアデザインを担当。2015-2017 スタジオマネージャー(兼任)。2018年、社内独立し「maroom」を立ち上げる。その後、産休と育休を経て2024年に復帰。住宅のリノベーション、マンションモデルルームや展示会デザインを首都圏、中京エリアで活動中。受賞歴はDSA Design Award / DSAデザイン賞 (2014~2017)、CS Design Award / CSデザイン賞:中川ケミカル賞(2014)、全住協「第四回優良事業表彰」(2014) など。

After graduating from the Faculty of Agriculture at Meiji University, her worked for a major distribution company. After graduating from a university, her worked for a major distribution company and then joined Designcafe. Her in charge of designing model rooms for condominium developers, residential spaces, exhibition designs for housing and building materials, and store designs for retail outlets, etc. She worked as a studio manager from 2015 to 2017. Her launched her company’s in-house design studio, maroom, in 2018. She works in the Tokyo and Chukyo areas for residential renovations, interior design of condominium model rooms and commercial spaces, and exhibition design.

田中真優  /  TANAKA MAYU

Designcafe-Inc. Designer / Design Director

大学就学中にインターンとして参加したイベントにてデザインに興味を持ち、イベントデザインを学ぶべく専門学校へ再進学。卒業後、Designcafeに入社、主に展示会デザイン、イベントデザインを中心にショールーム、エステサロン、化粧品専門店の空間デザインを担当。受賞歴はDSA Design Award / DSAデザイン賞 (2016~2017)など。

Her became interested in design when she interned at an event while in college and enrolled in a vocational school to study event design. After graduation, her joined Designcafe. Mainly in charge of exhibition and event design, space design for showrooms and esthetic salons.


Designcafe-Inc. Designer 
色彩コーディネーターUC級(公益社団法人色彩検定協会 )
UC Class Colour coordinator 
Certified operator of Vectorworks


Her became interested in interior design when her parents were building a new home, and after graduating from high school, her went on to study at the Chuo College of Technology, specializing in residential space and retail design. After graduation, her joined Designcafe. Currently, as an assistant designer, she is involved in spatial design for exhibitions, offices, and model rooms.


パートナー / プロデューサー / イベントディレクター
Designcafe-Inc. leading partner / Producer / Event Director
有限責任事業組合エクストラドレイ 主宰


After graduating from college, his gained experience in progress management, sales promotion, and production management at a major event production company before joining the advertising production company Three Light, where his helped launch the event production division. In 2017, his and Hirasawa launched EXTRADREI.LLP, a new type of event production company based on collaboration with designers in a crossover style based on the knowledge they have gained so far. As a director, he has received many awards including the DSA Award.


Designcafe-Inc. Back Office / Studio Manager
.com Master シングルスター(NTTコミュニケーションズ)
 .com Master Single Star


Her main responsibilities are back-office operations and general non-design work within the studio and in coordination with clients and related collaborators.

ウイリー  /  WILLY

バックオフィス/ ゲートキーパー
Designcafe-inc. Back Office / Gate Keeper


Boston terrier. His main job is to work irregularly as a courier and negotiating window for dive sales.