当社は、当社が業務上取扱う、お客様・取引関係者・当社従業者等の個人情報について、個人情報保護に関する法令及びその他の規範の趣旨を遵守し、かつ社内規程等を整備し個人情報保護体制を確立いたします。そのため、下記のとおり当社のプライバシーポリシーを定め、これを実行し、かつ継続的に見直しを 行い改善に努めることを宣言いたします。
当社は、業務を委託するために個人情報を業務委託先に提供する場合や、個人情報を当社の関係会社との間で共同利用する場合等、業務上必要かつ法令で 認められる場合に限り、当社が適切と認めた者に対してのみ個人情報を提供させていただくことがあります。これらの場合、業務委託先等との間で必要な秘密保 持契約等を締結し、その他法令上必要な措置を講じます。
代表取締役 平澤 太
Privacy Policy
Designcafe complies with the laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information of our customers, business partners, and our employees, and establishes a system for the protection of personal information by establishing internal rules and regulations. For this purpose, the Company has established the following privacy policy, and declares that it will implement this privacy policy and continually review and improve it.
Designcafe has established internal rules for the protection of personal information, and will ensure that our employees (including directors, employees, contractors, temporary workers, part-timers, and part-timers) and other related parties are fully aware of these rules and regulations.
Designcafe will take appropriate information security measures, such as measures against unauthorized access and computer viruses, to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information.
When Designcafe obtains personal information, Designcafe shall use legal and fair means to obtain personal information, and shall clearly state or notify the person who is the subject of the personal information (hereinafter referred to as the “person”) of the purpose of use of the personal information, or shall make a public announcement on the Company’s website.
Designcafe will only use personal information within the scope of the purpose of use, and will not use personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected, without the prior consent of the individual concerned.
Designcafe will not, in principle, provide personal information to any third party without the prior consent of the person in question.
Designcafe may provide personal information to subcontractors in order to outsource operations, or share personal information with affiliates of Designcafe, and only when necessary for operations and permitted by law. In such cases, the Company will enter into a confidentiality agreement with the subcontractor and take any other measures required by law.
Designcafe will maintain a system to promptly respond to requests for disclosure, correction or suspension of use of personal data in its possession from the person in question.
Designcafe shall strive to respond to complaints regarding the handling of personal information in an appropriate and timely manner, and shall establish the necessary system to do so.
March 1, 2010 (revised December 1, 2019)
Designcafe Inc.
Futoshi Hirasawa, Representative Director
個人情報の取り扱いについて / Handling of Personal Information
Designcafe complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other Japanese laws and regulations, and establishes and implements a privacy policy and other internal rules, and manages personal information related to customers in an appropriate manner.
●個人情報の利用目的 / Purpose of Use of Personal Information
Designcafe will use personal information for the following purposes, and will not use it for any other purposes than those specified below, except in cases where Designcafe is separately notified of the purpose of use. The Company will use personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law of Japan, other laws and regulations, and the Company’s Privacy Policy, and will take the necessary measures to ensure that personal information is used appropriately.
The Company will use the personal information provided by the customer to the Company for the following purposes.
- 1. 各種イベント・キャンペーン・セミナーに関するご案内、メールマガジンの配信その他当社および関係会社・協力会社からのお客様にとって有益であると当社が判断した情報をご紹介・ご案内するため。
- 2. お客様の傾向、満足度等を分析した統計データの作成等の新商品・新サービスの開発のため。
- 3. その他当社事業に関連する業務のため。
- To provide information about various events, campaigns, and seminars from Designcafe, to distribute email newsletters, and to introduce or provide other information that Designcafe, its affiliates, and partner companies deem to be beneficial to customers.
- For the development of new products and services, such as the creation of statistical data analyzing customer trends and satisfaction levels, etc.
- For other purposes related to Designcafe’s business.
In order to achieve the purposes specified above, the Company may share personal information with its affiliated companies or provide personal information to subcontractors and other third parties as deemed appropriate by the Company, only when necessary for the Company’s business and when permitted by law. In such cases, the Company will enter into a confidentiality agreement or other agreements with such companies in accordance with Japanese law, and will take all necessary legal measures. Except in these cases or with the consent of the customer, the Company will not provide personal information to third parties.
●保有個人データに関する事項 / Matters Related to Retained Personal Data.
株式会社デザインカフェ 個人情報相談係
Name of the business handling personal information: Designcafe Inc.
Purpose of Use of Personal Data: As stated above in “Purpose of Use of Personal Information”.
You may request us to notify you of the purpose of use of your personal data, to disclose, correct, add, delete, stop using, erase, or stop providing your personal information to third parties, or to make a complaint about the handling of your personal information.
Contact for various requests and complaints about the handling of personal data]
Personal Information Consultation Section, Designcafe Inc.
03-6661-1650 (weekdays 10:00-19:00 except for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
3-35-8, Nihonbashi Hamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
●個人情報の第三者提供に関する事項 / Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
株式会社デザインカフェ 個人情報相談係
(1)氏名 (2)住所 (3)電話番号 (4)メールアドレス
We may provide personal information to third parties only when it is necessary for business purposes and permitted by law. In such cases, the Company will take the legally necessary measures to protect personal information. The Company’s provision of personal information to third parties is described below.
Discontinuation of provision of personal information to third parties at the request of the customer.
If a customer wishes to stop the provision of his/her personal data to a third party, the Company will stop providing it to the third party after confirming the identity of the customer, unless the customer has given his/her prior consent or it is required by law.
Contact information for requesting the cessation of provision to a third party
Personal Information Consultation Section, Designcafe Inc.
03-6661-1650 (weekdays 10:00-19:00 except for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
3-35-8, Nihonbashi Hamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Items of personal data to be provided to third parties:.
(1)Name (2)Address (3)Phone number (4)Email address
(5) Other matters necessary for the above purposes of use of our personal information