Adobe Firefly 能登半島の漁港の風景 35643Adobe Fireflyで生成イメージした 能登半島の漁港の風景


Designcafeでは、ポートフォリオを拡充させていくための働き方、Designing-Dxやワークフローも含めてさまざまな取り組みを加速させています。この流れの一環で2023年に北陸・金沢に自社物件によるデザイン拠点” HiDEOUTLab ” (ハイドアウトラボ)をオープンし、Designcafeが手がける空間ブランディングに不可欠になる生成AIやトポロジー解析、ジェネレーティブデザインの利活用を前提とした検証作業を進めてきましたが、去年後半からは、オファーを受けたプロジェクトへの実装も開始しました。環境デザインのフレームワークを革新するデジタルトランスフォーメーション = Designing-Dx をアップデートさせながら、マインドとデザインの可能性を追求して行く所存です。


2025年/ 令和七年 元旦  平澤 太

Happy New Year to everyone.
As we begin the year 2025, we would like to wish you a very Happy New Year. Last year, we completed the milestones of the anniversary of our founding and incorporation, and now we have a new year ahead of us for the next five or ten years. While pursuing the depth of ‘communication design-based spatial branding in the environmental domain’ that we set out at the beginning of last year, we will contribute to the creation of a rich environment with sustainability through spatial branding.

Designcafe is accelerating various initiatives, including Designing-Dx and workflows, a way of working to expand its portfolio. As part of this trend, we will open our own design base ‘HiDEOUTLab ’ (Hideout Lab) in Kanazawa, Hokuriku in 2023, which will be an integral part of Designcafe’s work on spatial branding, including generative AI and topology analysis, In the second half of last year, we started to implement the system in projects where we have received offers to do so. We will continue to explore the possibilities of mind and design while updating Designing-Dx, a digital transformation that revolutionises the environmental design framework.

The Noto Peninsula earthquake that struck on New Year’s Day last year also affected the HiDEOUTLab in Kanazawa, but fortunately no one was injured and damage to buildings and equipment was minor, so it was restored by the start of work. At the same time, through our work, we have experienced up close how difficult it is to recover from a disaster in a rural area and how difficult it is to unify the will for recovery. We may not be able to do much to help, but we will continue to give our hearts and minds to the affected people.

New Year’s Day, 2025 / HIRASAWA FUTOSHI