


1月1日    (日曜日)終日休業
1月2日    (月曜日)終日休業
1月3日    (火曜日)終日休業
1月4日    (水曜日)午後より通常業務いたします。

The year is fast approaching and it is time for us to give our year-end greetings.

The covit2019 crisis has entered its third year, and for a time the situation was unpredictable due to the outbreak of infection, but there was a sense that the situation had calmed down and the situation was being addressed, and it was a year in which we could feel a significant recovery compared to last year. Designcafe, which makes its living designing spaces, also felt that it had a lot to retry while rethinking how space design and communication design should be under the With Corona situation. Although we continue to deal with the Corona disaster, there is a sense that the tide has turned, especially in the second half of the year, and we have been blessed with good relationships and have safely reached the end of the year while being involved in new challenges. We will continue to maintain the combination of shift work with teleworking that permeated the Corona disaster, and we will continue to take on new challenges in the new year. We will continue to take good infection control measures and spend the New Year’s holiday resting and preparing for the coming year.

Our New Year’s holiday schedule is as follows. The new year will start on 4 January 2023, and we would like to wish as many people as possible a safe and healthy holiday season, being aware of the With Corona.