


感染拡大の中で無観客で開催された東京オリンピックが無事閉催し、ワクチン接種率に比例して、国内の罹患者が減っていき、ようやく安心して社会活動が営めるレベルに落ち着いてきました。社会活動や生業に関しても、これに比例して徐々に戻ってきた実感があり安堵されている方も多いかと思います。 空間デザインを生業とするDesigncafeも、昨年に引き続き今年も大変な影響を受けましたが、テレワークへとシフトワークの併用、ワクチン接種で一人も罹患者を出さずに年の瀬を迎えることができました。今後も感染症対策をしっかりと行いながら、年末年始は静養と来年の準備を勤しみたいと思います。



It is early in the year when I would like to send you my best wishes for the end of the year.

The Tokyo Olympic Games, which were held without spectators in the midst of a widespread outbreak of the disease, have been successfully closed, and the number of people affected by the disease in Japan has been decreasing in proportion to the vaccination rate, finally settling down to a level at which social activities can be carried out with peace of mind. Many of you may be relieved to know that social activities and livelihoods are gradually returning in proportion to this. Designcafe, a space design company, was also affected by the outbreak, but thanks to a combination of teleworking, shift work and vaccination, we were able to end the year without anyone being affected. We will continue to take precautions against infectious diseases and spend the New Year’s holidays resting and preparing for the coming year.

We will be closed for the New Year holidays as follows We will start the New Year on the 4th of January 2022 and we hope that as many people as possible will stay safe and healthy, being aware of With Corona.


1月1日    (土曜日)終日休業
1月2日    (日曜日)終日休業
1月3日    (月曜日)終日休業
1月4日    (火曜日)午後より通常業務いたします。

28 December, normal office hours until the morning. Cleaning in the afternoon.
29 December, closed all day.
30 December, closed all day.
31 December: closed all day
1 January – all day
2 January: closed all day
3 January: closed all day
4 January: The office will be open from Tuesday afternoon